Category Archives: Uncategorized

Don’t Confuse Me with Facts

I can be downright intolerant toward people like climate deniers and anti-vaxxers who don’t believe in science; but if I stop to think, I can understand them. Many of their ridiculous beliefs are just common sense, sort of. Will vaccine … Continue reading

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National Grammar Day

Yesterday was National Grammar Day, which probably explains all the fireworks and horn honking last night. It is the day when we say hooray for Martha Brockenbrough. She was the founder of SPOGG (the Society for the Promotion Of Good … Continue reading

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Dumb Questions and Dumb Answers

As we age, we change the dumb questions that we ask.  As children, we asked questions like “Why is the sky blue?” and “Why is there war?” and “Why don’t the rich people just share with the poor people so … Continue reading

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Be My Valentine Anyway?

We live in a time when the former President accomplished what no other nation has done since the British took over our Capitol building in the War of 1812. It is amazing what a person with a bully pulpit can … Continue reading

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The Good Old Days

Don’t you long for the good old days? I mean the wonderful years of, say, ten or twelve years ago. The only talk of virus was “Did you get your flu shot?” If some individual attacked school children because they … Continue reading

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Trump is Gone?

Good news? We survived the pandemic so far, except for 400,000+ of us and about 3000 more every day. We live in the nation with perhaps the most advanced medical and research facilities in the world, but when you choose … Continue reading

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Happy Friday the 13th

What’s the best day of the week? Before the pandemic, Monday would have gotten the most votes for worst day of the week. Saturday night would have won for best night. Churchgoers might have claimed Sunday for best day, although … Continue reading

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The Mama Hat Controversy

Now that the members of the defunct Montana Logging and Ballet Company are old, we figure we are supposed to turn into conservative Republicans, but it’s hard. Don’t say we didn’t try.

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MLBC Designs GOP Voting

Ever since the Montana Logging and Ballet Company officially passed away, kicked the bucket, and lost our poetic license, we zombie members sometimes zoom through the ether to enjoy a weird laugh “together.” Since we are no longer corporately corporeal, … Continue reading

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The Republican Convention

Who says we’re so partisan that we never say something good about the Republicans? We’ve got great ideas for a convention their followers will love.

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